
April 8, 2014

Keyboard Shortcuts for special characters /Symbols

Keyboard Shortcuts for special characters /Symbols, HTML Number Code, HTML Name Code, Glyph, MacOS characters /Symbols , Windows characters /Symbols,Keyboard Shortcuts
This page will show users (of the Windows or Macintosh OS X operating systems), having a western european “standard” keyboard (showing the latin alphabet), how to generate other characters they might not see on the keyboard.

How to use this chart You can use the html name or number codes in an HTML document (i.e. a webpage or an e-mail that uses HTML format.) For Macintosh: press the keys as shown. for example “shift+option+w” means press down the shift key, the option key, and the w key all at the same
time. “option+e E” means press down the option key and the e key at the same time, then press the E key (capital E).

Special characters on Macintosh (Apple keyboards)
On MacOS, the option key functions as a modifier key like the shift key. Hold it down and press another key simultaneously. For shift+option, hold down both the shift and option keys and press the additional letter key simultaneously.

Type symbols Shortcut Keys

Please Press alt key and given number  for Widows
HTML Name Code HTML Number Code Glyph MacOS Windows Description
‘ ‘ option+] Alt+0145 left single quote
’ ’ shift+option+] Alt+0146 right single quote
‚ ‚ single low-9 quote
“ “ option+[ Alt+0147 left double quote
” ” shift+option+[ Alt+0148 right double quote
„ „ shift+option+w double low-9 quote
† † option+t Alt+0134 dagger
‡ ‡ shift+option+7 Alt+0135 double dagger
… option+; horizontal ellipsis
‰ ‰ shift+option+r Alt+0137 per mill sign
‹ ‹ shift+option+3 Alt+0139 single left-pointing angle quote
› › shift+option+4 Alt+0155 single right-pointing angle quote
♠ ♠ black spade suit
♣ ♣ black club suit
♥ ♥ black heart suit
♦ ♦ black diamond suit
‾ ‾ overline, = spacing overscore
← ← leftward arrow
↑ ↑ upward arrow
→ → rightward arrow
↓ ↓ downward arrow
™ ™ option+2 Alt+0153 trademark sign
" " " double quotation mark
& & & ampersand
< < < less-than sign
> > > greater-than sign
[ [ left square bracket
] ] right square bracket
– – option+hyphen Alt+0150 en dash
— — shift+option+hyphen Alt+0151 em dash
    Alt+0160 nonbreaking space
¡ ¡ ¡ option+1 Alt+0161 inverted exclamation
¢ ¢ ¢ option+4 Alt+0162 cent sign
£ £ £ option+3 Alt+0163 pound sterling
¤ ¤ ¤ Alt+0164 general currency sign
¥ ¥ ¥ option+y Alt+0165 yen sign
¦ or &brkbar; ¦ ¦ Alt+0166 broken vertical bar
§ § § option+6 Alt+0167 section sign
¨ or ¨ ¨ ¨ shift+option+u Alt+0168 umlaut
© © © option+g Alt+0169 copyright
ª ª ª option+9 Alt+0170 feminine ordinal
« « « option+\ Alt+0171 left angle quote
¬ ¬ ¬ option+l Alt+0172 not sign
­ ­ Alt+0173 soft hyphen
® ® ® option+r Alt+0174 registered trademark
¯ or &hibar; ¯ ¯ Alt+0175 macron accent
° ° ° shift+option+8 Alt+0176 degree sign
± ± ± shift+option+= Alt+0177 plus or minus
² ² ² Alt+0178 superscript two
³ ³ ³ Alt+0179 superscript three
´ ´ ´ shift+option+e Alt+0180 acute accent
µ µ µ option+m Alt+0181 micro sign
¶ ¶ option+7 Alt+0182 paragraph sign
· · · shift+option+9 Alt+0183 middle dot
¸ ¸ ¸ shift+option+z Alt+0184 cedilla
¹ ¹ ¹ Alt+0185 superscript one
º º º option+0 Alt+0186 masculine ordinal
» » » shift+option+\ Alt+0187 right angle quote
¼ ¼ ¼ Alt+0188 one-fourth
½ ½ ½ Alt+0189 one-half
¾ ¾ ¾ Alt+0190 three-fourths
¿ ¿ ¿ shift+option+? Alt+0191 inverted question mark
À À À option+` A Alt+0192 uppercase A, grave accent
Á Á Á option+e A Alt+0193 uppercase A, acute accent
   option+i A Alt+0194 uppercase A, circumflex accent
à à à option+n A Alt+0195 uppercase A, tilde
Ä Ä Ä option+u A Alt+0196 uppercase A, umlaut
Å Å Å shift+option+a Alt+0197 uppercase A, ring
Æ Æ Æ shift+option+' Alt+0198 uppercase AE
Ç Ç Ç shift+option+c Alt+0199 uppercase C, cedilla
È È È option+` E Alt+0200 uppercase E, grave accent
É É É option+e E Alt+0201 uppercase E, acute accent
Ê Ê Ê option+i E Alt+0202 uppercase E, circumflex accent
Ë Ë Ë option+u E Alt+0203 uppercase E, umlaut
Ì Ì Ì option+` I Alt+0204 uppercase I, grave accent
Í Í Í option+e I Alt+0205 uppercase I, acute accent
Î Î Î option+i I Alt+0206 uppercase I, circumflex accent
Ï Ï Ï option+u I Alt+0207 uppercase I, umlaut
Ð Ð Ð Alt+0208 uppercase Eth, Icelandic
Ñ Ñ Ñ option+n N Alt+0209 uppercase N, tilde
Ò Ò Ò option+` O Alt+0210 uppercase O, grave accent
Ó Ó Ó option+e O Alt+0211 uppercase O, acute accent
Ô Ô Ô option+i O Alt+0212 uppercase O, circumflex accent
Õ Õ Õ option+n O Alt+0213 uppercase O, tilde
Ö Ö Ö option+u O Alt+0214 uppercase O, umlaut
× × × Alt+0215 multiplication sign
Ø Ø Ø shift+option+o Alt+0216 uppercase O, slash
Ù Ù Ù option+` U Alt+0217 uppercase U, grave accent
Ú Ú Ú option+e U Alt+0218 uppercase U, acute accent
Û Û Û option+i U Alt+0219 uppercase U, circumflex accent
Ü Ü Ü option+u U Alt+0220 uppercase U, umlaut
Ý Ý Ý Alt+0221 uppercase Y, acute accent
Þ Þ Þ Alt+0222 uppercase THORN, Icelandic
ß ß ß option+s Alt+0223 lowercase sharps, German
à à à option+` a Alt+0224 lowercase a, grave accent
á á á option+e a Alt+0225 lowercase a, acute accent
â â â option+i a Alt+0226 lowercase a, circumflex accent
ã ã ã option+n a Alt+0227 lowercase a, tilde
ä ä ä option+u a Alt+0228 lowercase a, umlaut
å å å option+a Alt+0229 lowercase a, ring
æ æ æ option+' Alt+0230 lowercase ae
ç ç ç option+c Alt+0231 lowercase c, cedilla
è è è option+` e Alt+0232 lowercase e, grave accent
é é é option+e e Alt+0233 lowercase e, acute accent
ê ê ê option+i e Alt+0234 lowercase e, circumflex accent
ë ë ë option+u e Alt+0235 lowercase e, umlaut
ì ì ì option+` i Alt+0236 lowercase i, grave accent
í í í option+e i Alt+0237 lowercase i, acute accent
î î î option+i i Alt+0238 lowercase i, circumflex accent
ï ï ï option+u i Alt+0239 lowercase i, umlaut
ð ð ð Alt+0240 lowercase eth, Icelandic
ñ ñ ñ option+n n Alt+0241 lowercase n, tilde
ò ò ò option+` o Alt+0242 lowercase o, grave accent
ó ó ó option+e o Alt+0243 lowercase o, acute accent
ô ô ô option+i o Alt+0244 lowercase o, circumflex accent
õ õ õ option+n o Alt+0245 lowercase o, tilde
ö ö ö option+u o Alt+0246 lowercase o, umlaut
÷ ÷ ÷ Alt+0247 division sign
ø ø ø option+o Alt+0248 lowercase o, slash
ù ù ù option+` u Alt+0249 lowercase u, grave accent
ú ú ú option+e u Alt+0250 lowercase u, acute accent
û û û option+i u Alt+0251 lowercase u, circumflex accent
ü ü ü option+u u Alt+0252 lowercase u, umlaut
ý ý ý Alt+0253 lowercase y, acute accent
þ þ þ Alt+0254 lowercase thorn, Icelandic
ÿ ÿ ÿ option+u y Alt+0255 lowercase y, umlaut

To type a special character, using an Alt keyboard sequence: Ensure that the Num Lock key has been pressed, to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard. Press the Alt key, and hold it down. While the Alt key is pressed, type the sequence of numbers (on the numeric keypad) from the Alt code in the above table. Release the Alt key, and the character will appear. There are some gaps in the numerical sequence of Alt character codes, because either those elements do not exist, or they are duplicates of elements listed elsewhere. †Some word processing programs will not recognize these Alt functions. ‡Many fonts improperly display Alt 166 as ª rather than , and Alt 167 as º rather than .

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